Monday, June 4, 2012

Hot Tips To Protect Your Cool Feet

Flip Flops, Blue
Flip Flops, Blue (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Spring break is behind us now and school will let out shortly - if not already!  The lazy days of summer are stretching out before you, just begging you to come outside and play. If you’re like everyone else, this will probably mean some time out of shoes, maybe running on the beach or just wriggling toes in the sand. Whatever your pastime, let’s just take a couple of minutes and talk about foot protection over the summer.
  • Pay special attention to your leather sneakers. Perspiration causes the damp warm dark environment in shoes that toenail fungus loves. And although shoes are a good thing for protecting your feet from lacerations and other injuries, toenail fungus is a hidden danger. Light and fresh air are natural enemies of fungus. Keep your shoes dry and aired out in the sunshine. Use an antifungal spray for an added source of protection.
  • Sandals are a fresh and welcome choice for summer months, but don’t equate sandals with flip flops. Although they are bright, colorful and fun, flip-flops don’t provide any support or stability for your foot as they easily slide off and cause you to overhang them. They also break after a couple wearing’s.  Hit your local shoe store for a pair of leather sandals that has a formed heel cup and arch support. They’ll stay in place and conform better to your foot. There are a lot of styles available out there, so go shopping.
  • If you have a steady hand with the polish and can give your nails a trimming now and then, you shouldn’t need a pedicure over the summer. The sand is a natural exfoliate. Just use caution as glass and bottle caps hide under beautiful white sand.
  • When you’re at the beach, remember that the skin on the top of your foot has been protected by shoes and socks over the winter and early spring. The skin is tender and needs to be protected from the harsh burning rays of the sun, just like other parts of your body. Slather on the sunscreen and reapply after a swim to make sure of adequate protection.
Enjoy the summer, but remember if you have an accident or sustain a foot or ankle injury, call Dr. Blaakman at (877) 941-3338. Put your feet in his capable hands. Never allow pain to stand between you and what life has to offer.
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1 comment:

  1. Some really good tips here! Small efforts can go a long way when it comes to taking care of our feet.
