Monday, July 23, 2012

Football and Soccer Cleats - Prepare Now for Autumn Sports

F50.9 TUNIT (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It may seem like school just let out, but time is fleeting and the beginning of the school year is closer than you think. If you have a young student that participates in football or soccer, take a little time out and begin to prepare. Chances are you will need to consider new cleats, specific to their sport. Seldom can a growing youngster or teen get two seasons out of a pair of shoes. They grow too fast!

Any concerned and involved parent is going to be concerned with the safety of their child. Shoes are a major consideration. They go a long way to protect the foot and ankle regardless of the sport. For football, shoes that allow for running, the proper amount of side to side motion as well as flexion are important. Prior to investing money, make sure you are in synch with the regulatory agencies that govern safety for the age group or divisions your child plays in. You may wish to consult a coach or school official for information, but consider the following:
  • Purchase new shoes. You may think hand me downs or used will save you money. They may look good on the outside, but be completely worn on the inside. If the cushioning and inner structure is lacking support, it is a wiser decision to go with new shoes.
  • Make sure that the cleats or cleat patterns are in compliance and are appropriate for the surfaces your youngster will be playing on.
Purchasing the best quality cleats available is not going to make anyone a star. It’s not about the money. Shoes that fit snug, but not tight are important. A sport store that specializes in what you are outfitting for has knowledgeable staff familiar with fitting shoes. If shoes do not fit appropriately or if they hurt the feet, it can prevent the athlete from playing up to their potential. Leather shoes are usually preferable, but in wet conditions they become weighty and burdensome. Cleat lengths vary, so you need to carefully consider the surface. Consult a local professional for recommendations.

If your child experiences an injury, consult with Dr. Blaakman at (877) 941-FEET. His knowledge and experience can guide you and help to maintain foot health and safety.
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