Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cold Feet - Could it be More Then Just the Temperature?

A pair of low-heeled slippers.Image via WikipediaDo you always have cold feet?  It’s not just women that always have cold feet, men can have them too, and no I’m not talking about “cold feet” before a wedding. But if your feet are constantly cold all the time, it could be from more than the fact that you are just cold.  It could actually be due to the fact that you have a condition that causes poor blood flow to your legs and/or feet.  But what conditions are there that cause this?

Well you could be suffering from Raynaud’s phenomenon, which is a sensitivity to cold temperatures.  What happens is that when you come in contact with cold temperatures, it causes your blood vessels to spasm, thus resulting in poor blood flow.  It could be that you have a heart condition that keeps blood from flowing perfectly throughout your body.  You might actually have a blockage in your arteries, which can be very serious because blockages are what cause heart attacks.  This is why, if you have constant cold feet, you need to see a podiatrist to see if the condition is serious or not.  It could be that you are on some type of medication that is actually causing the poor blood flow, like medication for high blood pressure can do.  Even migraine and cold medications can cause cold feet.  So it could be as serious as a blockage in your arteries, or it could be those cold pills you have been taking.

If you constantly have cold feet, you need to get them checked out.  If you do have  a blockage in your arteries and you catch it early, you might save yourself a heart attack, literally.  If you are in need of a podiatrist, Dr. Hans Blaakman would love to be that podiatrist.  He is the owner of Upstate Footcare.  We have two offices, one in Gaffney, SC and one in Duncan, SC.  Check out our website at www.upstatefootcare.com and request an appointment to get your feet checked out asap.
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