Monday, January 23, 2012

To Treadmill or Not to Treadmill

English: Nordic walking on a treadmill in a he...Image via WikipediaWith tons of people resolving to exercise more this year, one thing becomes more popular every year is running.  But one debate that comes to mind is what is better: to run on a treadmill or to capture running outside?

Running on a treadmill can be a great experience.  You won’t have to face the cold weather outside, especially if you like to run early in the morning or late at night.  You can change the difficulty to whatever you’re comfortable with, or you can challenge yourself to push harder.  Since you’re running on a machine, it’ll absorb some of the shock on your feet, thus helping prevent pain and injury.  By watching your favorite television program, the time might the time seem to go faster because you’re not focusing so much on working out.  The downfalls of running on a treadmill are the cost, the space it takes up, you don’t get fresh air, and you might have to fight with people at the gym to get a spot.

Running outside in the fresh air, seeing the sights and hearing the noises is truly something special.  You can’t get that from a treadmill.  If you’re training for a 5k or any type of race that’s outside, you need to train outside.  Outside you face random challenges that you can’t control, which challenges you to push further and harder than you could on a treadmill.  The downside is that you will have to face the weather and obstacles that will hinder your workout.

The choice is up to you, or you could always ride the fence and do both.  Saving the treadmill when you don’t want to face the weather or obstacles of everyday life.  Either way, make sure to do all you can to avoid injury so that you can enjoy your running habit.  Contact Upstate Footcare if you have a sports injury in your feet or ankles today to set up an appointment so that you can take measures to heal and get back to running!
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