Thursday, January 5, 2012

Skiing and Snowboarding - Be Ready!

English: Freestyle skiing jumpImage via WikipediaEnglish: freestyle snowboardingImage via WikipediaAs we come to the skiing and snowboarding season, if you enjoy these sports, one thing you need to make sure of is that you are actually ready to hit the slopes.  How does one prepare themselves for skiing or snowboarding if they can’t actually go skiing or snowboarding?  Well it’s simple.  First of all, don’t wait till the opening of the slopes to get your muscles in shape.  Now I don’t mean that you have to be a body builder in order to enjoy these sports, but your muscles do need to be kept up. 

Now skiing and snowboarding use a lot of the muscles of the whole body (if you don’t believe that, you haven’t skied or snowboarded), but the main muscles you need to focus on are the legs, hips, the stomach and for skiers, the arms too.  So make sure to get those muscles warmed up and ready at least a couple weeks before you go.  If you don’t get your muscles ready, you won’t last very long on the slopes, which you have spent a lot of money on, and you’ll pay for it in soreness later too. 

With your feet in skiing and snowboarding, because they are protected inside the hard ski boots or the softer snowboard boots, you might think that you don’t need to keep them fit.  I’m sorry, but you’re mistaken.  Now granted if you are walking a lot or running to keep in shape, your feet will be better prepared to take on the hills, but you should make it a habit to stretch your feet and ankles just to keep them loose and less prone to injury. 

Lastly, if you end up going and haven’t kept in shape, after you crawl off the mountain, you’ll definitely benefit from soaking in the hot tub at the lodge for a while.  It will help relax and loosen stiff and sore muscles that you will have.  If you have any questions, give Upstate Footcare a call or contact us via the web.
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