Monday, February 13, 2012

HEY BABY! How Pregnancy Affects Feet

HappyImage via WikipediaRadical changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy, especially toward the end. Other than the obvious “bump,” there are subtle changes that begin early on. By the end of the third trimester the body is altogether different with regards to gravitational forces and weight bearing. These changes can result in some common complaints and foot problems, two of which will be addressed here.

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. That may not be significant by itself, but the change in weight distribution and the extra pounds can lead to flattening of the feet. This can cause the feet to roll (over-pronation) slightly, placing increased strain and pressure on the heel and ball areas of the feet. The lengthy tissues that run from heel to front of foot can then become inflamed and painful. It is important that this condition be treated, to alleviate pain and prevent more serious complications that may have a more far reaching effect.

Treatment can vary based on severity of symptoms and would range from a simple common sense approach to a more individualized program. Properly fit shoes are key. Forego the fashionista in yourself, at least for the duration of your pregnancy. Orthotics may be indicated.

The second most often voiced complaint is swelling of the feet and ankles known as Edema. Edema occurs when fluid relocates and pools in the body. The resulting swelling becomes problematic. An easy approach that can reduce swelling and pain includes well fit shoes, non-restrictive socks or stockings, foot elevation and easy to do special foot exercises that heighten circulation. Other practical suggestions include limiting salt intake and drinking lots of water. Unilateral swelling would be the norm. Asymmetrical symptoms could be indicative of a more serious problem, and may require you to see your health care professional.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Upstate Footcare, and we’d be happy to answer your questions!

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